Wednesday, September 12, 2007

First Post

Well, here it is. The blog nobody was waiting for... :)

I have been considering starting one for some time now. Mostly so I have a place to put all the Kid Stories I have saved in the ever-shrinking mamabrain. And. *true confessions moment* I have no baby books. I haven't recorded a single moment of my children's lives other than on film. Well, digital film. And those are all locked away in the computer. The boys' anyway. I do have scrapbooks from the girls' baby photos that I put together from Mark's box of photos. But that happened before I became a biological mother. Back when I had Time. I've also thought that this would be a nice place for family and friends to check in and "see" the kids as they grow. I'll try to give a rundown on what each of them are up to in this post.
turned 15 this summer and is a sophomore at Elma High School. She competed at the county fair this year with one of their horses, Rose and won two ribbons. She is on the Drill Team, FFA, and in 4-H. Here's a picture of her from August.

is finally home from Seattle Children's Hospital and Ronald McDonald House! She has been 'officially' diagnosed with chronic renal failure and still receives kidney dialysis 3 days per week. They never have figured out exactly*why* this happened, other than the food poisoning/virus that seemed to trigger the shut down. Sheridan hasn't let any of her health problems slow her down, though. Here's a picture of her all dolled up in her 8th grade dance dress. She has started her freshman year at Elma High School with Taryn.

is almost 3 and a half! He loves the library and his music enrichment class we attend once a week. Favorite activities of late are playdough, playing 'chase' with his brother, and riding his Skuut bike.

is 20 months and our resident nudist. The boy will not keep clothes on. He talks all. the. time. and is always in action. It is difficult to get a picture of him that isn't blurry.
is due to appear sometime next month. :) Photos coming soon, of course.
Mark's new job in Charleston is going well. He stays in Goose Creek with friends during the week and comes home on the weekends while we wait for our house to sell. Although we do not like being separated during the week, it's sort of 'old hat' after enduring all of the deployments of the last 5 years. Yep, that's right. We'll be celebrating our 5th Anniversary this month. Crazy.


Anonymous said...

Hooray for pictures!!! I am excited about your blog and promise to comment. :)

Dig the name, too!

teacherkier on the chandlier
(also not *necessarily* true, but it sounds funny)

Michelle Russell said...

Hooray, my sister finally got into the 00's and made herself a blog! :) I'll bug you constantly to put up more pictures of my boys...because that's what little sisters do best, bug their big sister. (Just ask Nora!)

I am on blogger now too, so one little click and you can see your nieces and nephew too. But I might need you to bug me about updating too! This work stuff is so cramping my style!!!

Anonymous said...

hey gigi!!! ill be checkin this thing out after school everyday!!(at the library) and i will send more pics of me not doing the dishes in my 8th grade grad dress. luv ya!! sheridan.