Saturday, October 6, 2007


Okay, dear sister, you asked for it.
Here's the belly and it's popped turkey-timer button. The boys love the belly. I hope they like their new sibling as much when he/she arrives.
And how about that hair? It hasn't been this short in nearly 10 years.
And since when am I old enough to talk about something that happened 10 years ago and not be referencing my childhood??? Mama Mia!


Anonymous said...

Love your new blog, keep the posts coming! Can't wait to see your new little one. Best wishes!

Michelle Russell said...

Holy cow - that turkey timer says it's time to come out, my little one!!! Auntie Mimi is waiting for you! And yes, that's the hair that the kids remember as your "Demi Moore" hair, whenever we see that picture hanging in Applebees...they say - look it's Auntie Gigi! Although surely my kids can't be old enough to remember something that happened 10 years ago. UGH! :) Thanks for the belly shot - I LOVE IT! *smooch*